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Quartz Formations and Properties

All quartz crystals have 6 primary properties. They are able to structure, store, amplify, focus, transmit and transform energy, which includes matter, thought, emotion and information. Metaphysical quartz formations possess additional properties, based on their geometry and other specific features.

Vedic Astrology

Vedic astrology, or jyotish in sanskrit, translates as the "science of light", an ancient astrological discipline that originated more than 5000 years ago in ancient india. The rishis (a sanskrit word meaning "seers"), understood the correlations between themselves, the universe and the divine. Through deep meditation and transcendental vision, the influence of the planets was realized and recorded.

Crystal Healing - Science or Magic?

Quartz crystals have been used in healing and ritual throughout history. One of the seven precious substances of Buddhism, set in the breastplate of the Hebrew high priest in the Bible and in the oldest writings on earth, the Sanskrit literature’s of ancient India, quartz crystals are named Bhisma-Ratna, the gem that removes fear.

Chakra Healing with Crystals

Chakra healing is one of the easiest, most effective and tangible alternative therapies available. You can do it yourself, in your own home and at a fraction of the cost of most other treatments. All you need to start a are a few inexpensive chakra crystals and the information on this page.

Crystal Healing and Archetypes

Quartz crystal has a precisely defined natural frequency at which it oscillates, like a tuning fork. Crystal healing means this natural frequency helps to restructure, harmonise our electro-magnetic and physical bodies, restoring order to dysfunctional metabolisms.

Crystal Healing

Crystal healing, in some form or another, has been recorded by most older cultures. Most had deeply rooted belief systems that supported holistic ideas and methods. However, without this cultural foundation, crystal healing has largely become an area of faith. Here we will briefly look at some aspects of this cultural foundation.

Celtic Quartz Crystals

As quartz from Tibet, India or Brazil has its own unique mood, so does the Celtic quartz of Wales and Ireland. Combined with our unique approach to mining, cleansing and the storage of crystals, developed over the last 20 years, the result is exceptionally energetic healing crystals.

Golden Enhydro Herkimers 

Golden Enhydros, also known as petroleum quartz, are one of the most beautiful, exotic and energetic of all quartz types.  They derive their name from the unique pockets of golden liquid they contain; pure, fluorescent oil. It would be hard to exaggerate the unique beauty and properties of these stunning gems.


Birthstone jewellery, birthstones and specifically designed birthstone talismans can improve health, confidence, relationships, consciousness and finances. Something which has stood the test of time for over 5000 years should not be easily dismissed. 

Crystal Healing and Numerology

Crystal healing is more than wishful thinking. It is a cooperation with the Mineral Kingdom for holistic health, categorized into four main areas:  physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. These distinct but unified aspects form our experience, in the same way, earth, water, air and fire combine to form the external world.

Water and Quartz

Water, the lifeblood of Mother Earth, is much more than hydrogen and oxygen. A crystalline living entity that nurtures all life on earth and powerful carrier and producer of energy with the ability to link, transform and carry physical elements and subtle impressions. Gem elixirs make use of this now proven principle.

Crystals and Pyramids

 The underlying principles of why crystals "work" is usually completely neglected. "Geometry has two great treasures: one is the Theorem of Pythagoras; the other, the division of a line into extreme and mean ratio. The first we may compare to a measure of gold; the second we may name a precious jewel." Johannes Kepler.


The use of colour in healing is not a new practice. Historians have discovered that the Egyptians and Greeks used colour as a healing tool, using a wide array of coloured minerals, crystals, ointment, plasters and dyes to treat those sick in mind or body. Over the centuries, the power of colour has become widely accepted.

Tulasi Devi

In India, one plant is universally appreciated by yogis, mystics and saints of the many and varied spiritual traditions. The botanical name, Ocimum sanctum, (sanctum meaning holy), is used out of respect for an ancient tradition that has a written history of over 5000 years.

Agarwood Oil

Agarwood is a resinous, fragrant and highly valuable heartwood produced by the Indomalesian tree genus Aquilaria. This prized and magical fragrance is rich, mystical, complex and powerfully psychoactive. The initial "barnyard" earthiness develops through wood notes to an unearthly ethereal beauty.

Kirlian Photography

The Kirlian camera uses electron cascades to make the electromagnetic fields that surround us visible, in the same way, iron filings can make magnetic fields visible. Increasing aura size is significant to those wanting to develop psychically, as like anything else, expanding our senses requires energy and not any energy will do.

Programming Quartz Crystals

Quartz is natural silicon, information technology is based on silicon because its properties facilitate the storage and transference of information. The doctrine of signature of the herbalists has far reaching implications.