Quartz Crystal Properties and Metaphysical Formations

All quartz crystals have 6 primary properties. They are able to structure, store, amplify, focus, transmit and transform energy, which includes matter, thought, emotion and information. Metaphysical quartz formations possess additional properties based on their geometry, the properties of numbers and other specific features.

The properties of quartz are not confined solely to the metaphysical. The electronics industry widely uses the ability of quartz to precisely structure and control frequencies. In healing and personal development, not dissimilar properties allow quartz crystals to act like tuning forks, gently but powerfully returning our bodies frequencies to a healthier, natural state. Quartz naturally balances and energizes both our gross and subtle bodies. Kirlian photography has shown that holding a small, double terminated quartz doubles the photographable portion of the human aura.

The intrinsic properties of all quartz crystals heal, cleanse, balance and strengthen the chakras, resulting in physical, mental and emotional well-being as well as initiating and strengthening our innate intuitive abilities.

Activation Quartz

Activation crystals are recognised by an inclined window, which is similar to, but less symmetrical than, the window formation. It is located on either side of the central (main) face. When to the left it is said to increase left brain function, and when to the right, right brain function. When referred to as time-line quartz, its properties are considered in terms of past and future. Left is said to give access to impressions from the past, right the future.

The properties of this activation crystals are closely linked to the window crystal, the only difference being the slight angle of the window. A parallelogram as opposed to the rhombus window crystals. As such its properties are not limited solely to the criteria already mentioned and share many of the properties of window crystals.

Aqua Aura

Aqua aura crystals are a man-made combination of gold and quartz, but the properties of gold are so positive that even an unnatural combination produces a useful healing stone. Molecules of pure gold are bonded to the quartz by the natural electric charge of the crystal. By natures arrangement, this produces a celestial shade of blue. This cannot be scraped off and permeates the crystal. These beautiful crystals combine the properties of gold and quartz. This allows greater direction to be given to the energy of the gold via the ability of quartz to be programmed. Gold has been called the master healer, symbolizing purity of heart, the perfection of alchemical transformation. Purifying at all levels, the beneficial effects of gold are considerable. Thought forms are enhanced and the heart chakra is balanced and soothed. The primary chakra healing properties are dependent on colour, so aqua aura resonates most strongly with the throat chakra.

"Gold can also help to assuage the overburden of responsibility, to combat feelings of depression and inferiority, to allow one to both understand and dispense with self-reproach and to calm excitation and anger."

Auralite 23

As a relatively new crystal from the "Cave of Wonders" in the Boreal Forest of Northwestern Ontario in Canada, many of the properties of this amazing healing sto ne are still to be discovered.

In both appearance and properties, auralite is quite similar to Super 7, though in auralite Aura X-ray diffraction has been used to identify at least 23 minerals. The majority of the crystal comprises amethyst, citrine and a rare green quartz type which form intricate etching and attractive chevron phantom banding. In larger specimens, they usually have a "red cap” termination.

Auralite 23 possesses the properties of its constituent minerals plus unique properties resulting from their synergy. It also enhances and magnifies the energies of other crystals in proximity to it, especially (but not limited to) those that are in it.

There is some disagreement as to the exact composition (and therefore properties) of auralite, but all agree it contains at least 23 minerals. One noteworthy point is that the Gemological Institute of America had never found gold traces in amethyst before.

Titanite, cacoxenite, lepidocrocite, ajoite, hematite, magnetite, pyrite, goethite, pyrolusite, gold, silver, platinum, nickel, copper, iron, limonite, sphalerite, covellite, chalcopyrite, gilalite, epidote, bornite, and rutile.

The properties of each separate mineral are present, as well as specific combinations of two or more minerals and the cumulative, synergistic effect of all 23 minerals.

"If one is fortunate enough to become an Earth-keeper for a quartz crystal containing gold, the uses are extensive. The properties of gold and quartz crystal are combined and produce "dynamite" results."

Auralite enhances healing, personal development, intuition and all types of energy work. It's chakra healing properties are excellent as it can be used on any or all of the chakras. It initiates and stimulates kundalini energy, a wonderful attribute for any healing stone.

"Auralite feels like a dissolving of one’s cares and worries––a release of patterns of anxiety, resentment, judgment, depression and defeat. As this dissolution occurs, one feels an upliftment of one’s spirit and an awakening to the potentialities for a new life. This rising of optimism and new hope is felt all the way into one’s cellular consciousness. The body itself is awed and made reverent by the clearing of the veils of illusion and the dawning of the presence of one’s Higher Self.” Robert Simmons, Stones of the New Consciousness.

Barnacle Crystals

Barnacle crystals are recognized as crystals partially covered by many smaller, tiny crystals. They are essentially a type of mini-cluster and share the properties of clusters, one of the very best all-around healing crystals, especially good for chakra healing as the combined energy of the individual points combine to produce an energy greater than the sum of its parts.

These common but effective healing stones have properties related to issues of trust and dependence, especially in relation to the principle of family. Improves physical and intellectual fertility. In terms of chakra healing for physical fertility use on the sacral (2nd) chakra, for intellectual fertility use on the crown (7th) or heart (4th) chakra.

Brandberg Quartz

Brandberg, being a mountain range in Namibia, is a location, not exactly a type, but it is so distinct and unique a healing stone that it warrants inclusion in any quartz properties list. The circular Brandberg mountain range rises out of the red desert to form the highest peaks in Namibia. The summit, Königstein, German for "King's Stone", stands at over 2,500 metres.

These mountains have always been held sacred and are famed for their ancient rock paintings and engravings. The indigenous Damara people named the mountain Dâures, which means "Burning Mountain". Brandberg is German for "Fire Mountain", because of its beautiful orange glow at sunset. The Herero people named Brandberg, Omukuruvaro"Mountain of the Gods" and attributed to it many spiritual and metaphysical properties.

Stunning amethyst and smoky "flames", liquid inclusions, negatives, harlequins, inclusions and a lustre to rival any Herkimer. This vast physical variety is matched by their unrivalled metaphysical properties. Healers and shaman, both indigenous and worldwide, have long used Brandbergs for chakra healing and energy work of all types. They are wonderfully transformational healing crystals of unparalleled beauty and energy.

All our Brandberg crystals are direct from local, small scale miners. They dig only by hand and refill any holes, leaving the sacred mountains undamaged. We believe the properties of crystals mined in this way are at their peak and our long-standing friendship with these miners means we get the finest Brandbergs at the best prices.

"This high-vibration crystal is an indispensable aid for healing, journeying and for exploring the pure, eternal blueprint that lies behind existence. It returns a body to that purity of vibration and intention that came before any imprinting from earthly incarnations. Emanating infinite compassion to all of creation, Brandbergs brings about deep soul healing and forgiveness.

This healing stone speeds recovery from illness or accident and is excellent for house clearing. A smoky Brandberg is the finest tool available for removing implants, attachments, spirit possession or mental influence and this is the stone par excellence for transformation or transition.” Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible.

Bridge Crystals

Bridge crystals are recognized as a smaller crystal which is part in, and part out of a larger quartz crystal. When the smaller crystals are relatively deep they are often referred to as "penetration bridge" crystals.

"Bridge crystals facilitate bridging between the inner and outer worlds, between the self and others residing on this planet, and between the self and other worlds... and are quite beneficial when one is working with the aspects of spirituality and with the advanced metaphysical areas, and attempting to share this knowledge with others.”

The properties of this very useful healing stone facilitate passing over or entering what was previously impassable or un-enterable. The essential geometry of the crystal is penetrated, providing access to inner worlds and issues previously inaccessible. Appreciated by shamans and those interested in "journeying" and useful for meditation.

Bridge crystals are useful for improving teaching skills, communication and group cohesion. In chakra healing, they are useful in helping to remove blockages.

Candle Quartz (Pineapple, Celestial, Spirit Quartz)

Candle, cactus, spirit and pineapple quartz are essentially the same formation though the latter tend to be stouter crystals. The small terminations covering the sides of the main, central crystal have the look of a candle covered in wax drips or the textured skin of the pineapple. Spirit quartz was originally named by African miners, its gorgeous amethyst shades reminded them of methylated spirits. For chakra healing this colour specifically resonates with the crown chakra (7th), the delicate pink shades are more in tune with the heart chakra (4th) and the earthier brown and grey tones are useful grounding and base chakra (1st) healing stones. This resonance indicates that the properties healing crystals are dependent not just on type but colour.

These crystals combine some of the properties of the multi-dimensional elestial and abundance of the barnacle formations. Excellent crystals for information retrieval and meditation and its form, the spiky "shell" also indicates it’s protective properties and usefulness as a shielding stone.

"Spirit Quartz is the most enchanting crystal that I have worked with. It has been used to provide for a smooth transition from the beta to the alpha level, where extra-sensory perception is stimulated. This crystal has also been used to rectify localized energy disturbances. It acts to dissipate the disturbance and to replace any disorganized energy with stable, reliable energy which discourages further disorder."

Cathedral Quartz

Cathedral crystals are recognised by their "architectural” form, which bears a resemblance to multiple towers, like those of a castle or Gothic cathedral.

Their unique metaphysical properties are said to give access to the Akashic records and past lives. For chakra healing, they can be used on any or all of the chakras, but have a specific resonance with the heart chakra, which being central to the seven chakras, encourages balance. This useful healing stone shares multi-terminations with elestials, which they also share some properties with; these are summarised in the following quote.

"The Elestial quartz crystal is recognized by natural multi-terminations over the body or face of an etched and/or layered crystal. The Elestial contains the absolute and ultimate essential wisdom and can provide for the transfer of this insight to the physical intellect via the higher-self.”

Celtic Quartz (Welsh & Irish)

Kacha Stones is the proud miner of Welsh and Irish quartz, Celtic crystals. These relatively rare crystals are ethically hand mined in the hills of Wales and shores of SW Ireland, taking great care to leave the environment undisturbed. After carefully hand cleaning each one, they are stored on the earth or in a natural woodland spring in the Cyche Valley of West Wales to maintain their magical properties. These locations are vividly described in the very oldest Celtic texts, the Mabinogian, as being where King Arthur hunted the White Hart and famous as the gateway to the Fairie Kingdom. We are fortunate to be located in this valley, which offers unique opportunities for considerably enhancing the energies of all our crystals.

Celtic crystals are a valuable link to the ancient and mystical energies of Great Britain, with a mood and metaphysical properties as distinct as that from Tibet or Namibia. Their properties make them especially suited to meditation, shamanism, all intuitive and magical practices and connecting to nature spirits.

Channelling Crystal

The main, front face is large and seven sided. Its opposite, rear face is a smaller triangle. Channelling crystals are an excellent example of how the properties of numbers relate to the metaphysical properties of crystals. Seven indicates wisdom and mysticism. Three indicates understanding what previously appeared irreconcilable, by the introduction of another factor/deeper vision. This vision "surfaces" as the triangle is the manifestation of a surface from a line in geometric progression. The combination of the numbers 7 and 3 always indicates a movement (3) of wisdom (7).

"The channelling crystal provides for a means of channelling and expressing truth and wisdom from both the inner realms of perfection and other worlds. It is symbolic of the student, the professor, the mystic and the seeker of wisdom. The channelling crystals can be used to access the wisdom from "within and without". They can be used to bring forth light and love from the most truthful and knowledgeable portions of the self. Sometimes there can be an encounter with other entities from whom one can learn; always check the information, given by the entity, with the personal inner knowing."

Channelling crystals are one of the most accessible healing stones, are extremely easy to work with and relatively common. Their properties facilitate a connection between our conscious mind and innate wisdom, as well as other planes of existence. The benefits of such an opportunity would be hard to exaggerate. Extremely useful for those who have a desire to develop their psychic abilities. For healers, they effortlessly boost to intuitive insights into what is required, both for themselves and clients.


Clusters are crystals grouped on a common matrix. Where there is no matrix the crystals bridge together. These wonderfully healing crystals encourage a sense of community, creating harmony and removing negativity from its environment, whether that is on a body or in a room. One of the easiest crystals to use for chakra healing. The intrinsic group energy of clusters easily removes blockages and strengthens all the chakras. The same properties make them the first choice for cleansing and activating other healing stones. Clusters sometimes contain many metaphysical formations, their properties all working together harmoniously.

"Quartz clusters serve to bring the "group” energy of the associated crystal to the surrounding environment, enhancing harmony and peace in groups, in the family, and in other social and/or business environments.”

"The quartz crystal is the connection between the physical dimension and the dimensions of the mind. It can be used to communicate with minerals, plants, animals, and intelligent forces outside the physical dimension. In early times, when all things were thought to be parts of greater living consciousness, the quartz crystal was believed to synchronize the individual and total consciousness with that of the heavens and advanced life-forms."

Cobalt Aura

Although man-made, the properties of cobalt are so positive that even an unnatural combination produces a useful healing stone. Molecules of pure cobalt are bonded to the quartz by the natural electric charge of the crystal, producing brilliant hues of royal blue, violet and gold. Cannot be scraped off. These incredibly beautiful crystals combine the qualities of cobalt and quartz while allowing for greater direction to be given to the energy of the cobalt via the ability of quartz to be programmed. This is one of the properties of quartz crystals that sets them apart for healing.

The properties of cobalt make it a specific for creativity, both removing blockages to the creative impulse and enhancing creative powers in the many fields they are needed. It is said to lift the emotions and instil a sense of wonder in the creation we are surrounded by, but so often fail to appreciate.

Used in chakra healing it is a powerful third-eye stimulator, promoting not only clairvoyance and all forms of intuition, but it also encourages a deeper comprehension of the things we meditate on. This property makes it an extremely useful healing stone.

Curved Quartz

This curved quartz formation is recognised as a curvature of the whole crystal, causing it to bend slightly, or more commonly, a curvature of individual sides in an otherwise straight crystal as in the picture. The curvature is caused by excessive amounts of energy being channelled by these crystals during their growth. The earth's crust is 12% quartz (by volume) for a reason, the energetic properties of these wonderful crystals are working long before we find them.

"In the Curved Quartz Crystal curvature is produced during the developmental stages of growth and is a rather rare occurrence. The structure of the curved crystal provides for a continuous (when in one's energy field) alignment of the physical meridians and the nervous system, and the alignment of the physical, emotional, mental, etheric, astral, etc., bodies, singularly and with one another.”

"The Curved Quartz Crystal emanates gentle, but powerful energy, and can be used to cleanse the aura, promote flexibility in one's attitudes, and to provide strength to one's decisions. It allows one to see the inner workings of any situation. It has been used in the treatment of spinal dis-alignment.”

The properties of this exceptional healing stone allow it to smooth out imbalances in the energy flow of the meridians and subtle bodies, enabling the body to re-establish a healthier, more balanced equilibrium. Its gentle but powerful energy brings balance to all subtle bodies, singularly and with one another, making it a good choice in chakra healing. This benefit extends to the nervous system and is therefore useful in easing tension.

Curved quartz crystals help us see beyond convention and break it appropriately. An uncommon and powerful healing stone with unique properties.

Dendritic Quartz

These beautiful crystals are recognised by the tree, plant or moss-like inclusions and are an excellent healing stone for those working with plants and wanting to gain a deeper understanding of them. The branching forms are usually manganese crystals, so these also possess the properties of manganese.

"Manganese is a mineral of bonding, bringing others closer and activating the energies of cooperation in group efforts. Produces a grounding effect which balances the emotions and the physical body.”

The picture shows an exceptional tree form, but like with most formations, far humbler examples contain the same properties and energies.

It shares properties with Faden quartz, in that it aids in making connections, whether that is in physical healing or helping to access the higher self. In chakra healing, the usually earthy tones of the dendritic inclusions make it a useful base (1st) chakra stone.

"Dendritic quartz crystals facilitate closeness with nature and connection to the Earth Mother. It can be used to activate the chakras and to sustain the opening of the chakras to facilitate purity in the total connection to the higher consciousness.”

Double Terminated

Instead of growing from a matrix, double terminated crystals (floaters) grow from a central "seed", in the same way, quartz is produced for the electronics industry. This produces two points in opposite directions. Remarkable on its own, but these crystals are not only capable of structuring, storing, transmitting and amplifying diverse energies, the properties of quartz in general, but being an independent whole, posses extra properties. It is these properties of energy creation and amplification that makes them so prized as healing crystals.

These relatively common crystals have an overwhelmingly positive effect on health. Simply carry, put under your pillow at night, or place in drinking water to produce a simple but effective gem elixir. DT's are one of the best stones for chakra healing as they can be used on any chakra or touching the coloured healing stones to amplify their effect.

"Double terminated crystals can assist in providing protection from mental and physical harm. Carrying a double terminated crystal can enable one to maintain one's energy shield. Excellent for astral projection and dreaming - place them under your pillow at night and they can increase and intensify the dream state. They are also excellent for use in meditation.”

Worn or carried, their properties act without conscious direction, intensifying the aura, providing subtle and physical protection. Ayurveda, the extremely sophisticated medical knowledge of ancient India, understands the aura to be the first wave of the immune system. The benefits of strengthening the aura are more tangible than most would imagine, giving a feeling of having more energy and shielding from unwanted frequencies, sometimes called etheric pollution.

Double Terminated Clusters

Clusters of double terminated crystals with no matrix, they just bridge together, usually elegantly. They combine all the properties of clusters, double terminated crystals, bridges and any other formations of the individual DT's. A beautiful, powerful, relatively rare and extremely useful healing stone. As with clusters generally, the overall effect is greater than the sum of its parts.

Their unique chakra healing properties make them a must for healers. Simply placing the stone on any chakra will clear and stimulate all 7 chakras. By placing the DT cluster on a chakra and then placing that chakras coloured stone on top, the results are tangibly improved. The properties of any formations of the individual DT's are naturally amplified producing a dynamic results.

Dow Crystals

Dow crystals are recognized as having 6 faces (as always), with 7-3-7-3-7-3 face sides. A remarkable and rare healing stone, the properties of which efficiently combine the archetypes of 3 and 7 perfectly and harmoniously.

Those interested in numerology or sacred geometry will immediately recognize such a structure as significant. The most symmetrical and balanced of all the crystals, combining the properties of both channelling and transmitter crystals, as well as exhibiting their own unique properties. Dows are the ultimate crystal for balancing energies and are therefore healing to the physical, mental and emotional bodies. In chakra healing, they provide a tuning fork that resonates with each chakra to "remind" it of it's innate harmonious, balanced frequency.

In looking at the qualities of these numbers we can receive much insight into understanding the potency of the geometry of crystals. In music, 7 notes span 3 octaves, there are 7 chakras and white light is divisible into 7 main colours. There are many trinities. 3 primary colours, 3 gunas (modes of consciousness in Vedic philosophy), the "action, reaction and resultant" of the physicist, the past, present and future of time and in Arthurian legend, only 3 knights found the Grail. The easiest way to understand this archetype of 3 in Dow crystals is 1, 2, through. What comes through is the wisdom of 7.

Occasionally, the triangles of Dows are so tiny that they appear not to be there. However, as quartz must have 6 faces and 2 of the 3 seven-sided faces meet where only 5 faces can be counted, it is a mathematical impossibility for the triangle not to be there. Crystal geometries and their resultant properties are never fickle. They are quite literally "set in stone".

"Dows combine the qualities of the transmitter and channelling crystal. It also provides for a continuous connective force between the holder of the crystal and "All That Is". It is the crystal for creativity and service to humanity through spiritual and mystical pursuits. It allows access to the records relating to each question or thought and, even without focusing, provides intuitive awareness in all situations".


Elestial crystals are recognized by multi-terminations on the body and/or faces of a layered and/or etched crystal.

An elestial is far more complex, energetically, geometrically and in terms of properties, than a single crystal or cluster. In the analogy of a single crystal being pocket calculator, an elestial is a computer. In their natural environment, they act to direct, focus and integrate the "ordinary" crystals in the work they naturally do in the earth. In their interaction with humans, they appear to be able to integrate disparate perceptions, allowing for a more mature understanding of the area being contemplated. Elestials work to bring that which is needed within the grasp of the conscious mind. They can help us remember our immortality, bringing heart and intellect together to recognize an all-encompassing, intrinsic spiritual unity. The keyword to help understand the properties of these fascinating and mysterious crystals is integration.

"The elestial can be used to stabilize brain wave frequencies and to ameliorate erratic and/or confused thoughts; it can further assist in producing an expanded state of awareness and encouraging energy to speed one toward the light. It assists one in summoning vitality in order to produce advancement towards the eternal brilliance of the spiritual self."

"The Elestial is the "enchanted crystal”, bringing with it the concepts of Siva and the understanding that after a transition from one phase of life, or from the physical body, the newness will be re-installed. It provides the user with "a hug from the wind in the willow”, allowing for flow in change and actualization.”

"The elestial quartz crystal is recognized by natural multi-terminations over the body or face of an etched and/or layered crystal. The Elestial contains the absolute and ultimate essential wisdom and can provide for the transfer of this insight to the physical intellect via the higher-self. The elestial can assist in activating and furthering the activities of the third-eye and can stimulate an increase in abilities associated with clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience.”


Enhydro is Greek for "water within". These crystals contain pockets of pure water, mysteriously trapped for hundreds of thousands of years, before pollution and contaminated water tables were even heard of.

Water has been found in chalcedony, agate and quartz and is usually perceived by the presence of moving gas bubbles. Very occasionally, there are pockets of water with no bubble but a tiny floating inclusion. It is also possible to have water pockets with neither bubbles or inclusions. These can be very difficult to identify as such.

In terms of the 4 elements water has traditionally indicated the emotions; earth-body, water-emotions, air-mind, fire-spirit. These exceptionally healing crystals can have a profound effect on our emotional life. Water that cannot move becomes stagnated - as emotions that cannot be expressed stagnate. Enhydros contain water trapped for that may have been trapped for hundreds of thousands of years, but the water has remained clean and pure. This is the primary indicator of the properties of these crystals; protection and purification of the emotional body. In chakra healing, they can be used and any chakra, but have a special resonance with the solar plexus emotional centre.

The ease with which water accepts impressions from almost any source, as shown in the work of Dr Emoto and others, makes these crystals effortlessly programmable. This is one of the most neglected aspects of crystal healing.

"Enhydros also contain life-sustaining energy, initiating adaptability in situations which could, otherwise, become stressful...It is a strength to help other minerals perform in a requisite manner. This mineral can help one to put oneself in the shoes of another, and to recognize and understand the true feelings of that person... The Enhydro assists in metamorphosis and continued change throughout all times, it provides for the concentrated determination of both the acceleration and the ease of reformation of self.....In healing, it is useful to have an Enhydro available; it assists in bringing the body to the state or specified condition that one is attempting to attain."

Etched Quartz

Etched crystals are recognised by abrasions and/or intricate indentations, often forming patterns or textures. The properties of etched quartz mean they are often used in meditation. Crystals with more complex patterning can be used for scrying.

"This etched formation has been used to facilitate contact and the transfer of information from the ancient Egyptian civilizations and from Lemuria and Atlantis …the markings contain information of experiences in which they have participated. They also contain information with respect to the healing methodology which has been proved successful over aeons of time and throughout the universe. The etched quartz crystal is usually a personal meditation crystal …will be beneficial to one's personal development and/or will provide information which will assist one in helping another. The Etched quartz is usually a personal meditation crystal.”

Faden Quartz

Faden crystals have one or more milky, "feathery" thread lines, usually running edge to edge through the crystal. This is usually perpendicular to the crystals growth and is unique to Fadens. They are prized as the ultimate "connection" crystal, either with other people, entities, ideas or other dimensions.

Faden lines manifest primarily in tabular shaped crystals. The properties of "tabbies" make them one of the best crystals for psychic development, communication and information retrieval of all types. The combination of the properties of Faden and tabby crystals makes them extremely useful for those with a desire to increase their realms of perception and intuition. The properties of the Faden thread help us establish the connection which is amplified by the tabby.

"The Faden is a stone that facilitates "mending" on all levels. A crystal of connection, stimulating and furthering connective forces between the self and that which is chosen as the recipient. A stone for finding ones complement on the physical plane, serving as a magnetic field to attract one's counterpart and to facilitate an unfathomable energy transfer between oneself and the other."

"Fadens provide for a continuous [when in one's energy field] alignment of the physical meridians and the nervous system, and for the alignment of the physical, emotional, mental, etheric, astral, etc., bodies, singularly and with one another.”

Fairy Clusters

Fairy crystals are clusters of extremely fine, delicate, bright crystals. There is no possibility of getting these beautiful healing stones any other way than by very careful hand mining.

Their unique properties are derived from their often miniature, architectural refinement. Their frequency lifts the consciousness exactly the right amount to help those sensitive enough to perceive our very close neighbours. They appear to emit "fairy" energy because their structural refinement resonates with that plane. Their slender crystals are usually lasers, so they also share the properties of that formation. In chakra healing, they cleanse and dissipate unwanted energies and have a special resonance with the crown chakra.


Gateway crystals are recognized by an opening from the side or face of a crystal to the interior. It could be an especially deep key, a result of calcite growth interference (where the calcite had dissolved) or self-healing. However, the deepest is where old damage has accessed a water cavity or as a result of skeletal growth.

Gateways are used to gain access to information and planes from which you are normally excluded. From the perspective of sacred geometry, the inherent hexagon of any quartz crystal is the archetype of a perfect idea or world. Seen like this the gateway is offering access to this inner world, which isn't exactly the inside of a crystal, but the archetype it embodies.

Healing concepts, illusive aspects of ourselves and the doors of the shaman can be unlocked, therefore an extremely useful crystal for helping us see beyond the veil of everyday reality.

"Virtue has a veil, vice a mask." Victor Hugo

Generator Crystals

Recognized by a formation of all six faces joining at the apex. Perfect natural generators are rare. This crystal is used to generate energy in the gross or any or all of the subtle bodies, depending on the consciousness and intention of the user. A useful crystal in stimulating under-active chakras.

"This crystal is "THE" quartz crystal for energy generation...and for stimulating all portions of the physical, intellectual, emotional and subtle bodies. Natural generators and crystals polished in the configuration of generators have the same properties - they are truly powerful tools for the metaphysician."

Golden Enhydro Quartz

Golden enhydros are liquid oil included quartz, sometimes referred "petroleum" included. They nearly always form in small, stout, double terminated crystals, which in terms of form and quality, are comparable to Herkimer "diamonds", the standard for super-bright quartz. However, these contain something a professional geologist in the oil industry described as "very, very rare"; high grade golden crude oil. It has fluorescence typical of high gravity (Brent, Azerbaijan, W. Africa) crudes.

Found in only three locations to date, the Himalayas, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Of the three, the Himalayan were exceptionally beautiful.

"The UV fluoroscope is a standard well-site test for natural crude oil in drill cuttings and cores. The colour of crude oil varies considerably (mostly dark brown), but lighter oil can be various shades of yellow. The fluorescence, (bright intense yellow-white) is very typical of high gravity (Brent, Azerbaijan, W. Africa) crudes. The fluorescence of the Golden Herkimer is very intense with a halo of fluorescence appearing against a dark background." Oil Industry Geologist.

Oil is the condensed solar energy of ancient organic matter. It's misuse, much to the detriment of the planet, has been in the supply of energy. This is the signature of these crystals, each one contains a tiny but potent spark of solar energy, perfectly preserved and amplified by quartz. Quartz, despite being a general chakra tonic, is generally associated with the crown chakra. The beautiful golden yellow shades in these give a special resonance with the solar plexus (emotional) chakra, helping to engender a powerfully sunny disposition and emotional optimism.

Golden Healers

Golden healers are recognised by a complete or partial golden yellow to orange-brown transparent coating, an iron hydrate. Occasionally this golden mineral permeates the entire crystal. They are energetic, an excellent general tonic crystal and are often extremely beautiful.

The highest ratio of golden healers mined from any location is to be found in the Celtic quartz mined in Wales by Kacha Stones.

"The golden healer has been used to incite healing on all levels. It is an excellent stone to use in all healing situations and promotes the recognition of methods and techniques which will further recoveries from all disorders."

Green Quartz (Prasiolite)

Other names for green quartz is vermarine, greened amethyst, or lime citrine. Some amethyst will turn green when treated, so much of the green quartz on the market today results from a combination of the heat treatment and ionizing radiation of amethyst. As with the heat treatment of amethyst to produce "citrine”, the man-made product is vastly inferior to the real thing and is best avoided for healing and energy work.

Green quartz is caused by the presence of other minerals including chlorite, actinolite, hedenbergite, epidote and vermicular.

Green quartz is a powerful but soothing heart chakra stone. It promotes balance, love, intuition and a connection with the natural world, in particular plants and trees.

"Green quartz is truly a stone of transformative energies, transmuting negative energy to the positive state without releasing it into the atmosphere. It also acts to inspire creativity and to attract success, prosperity and abundance. It promotes an intuitive capability that is coupled with love."

Grounding Crystals

Grounding crystals are recognized as having the main face with eight sides. These crystals help maintain a pragmatic approach to life, especially relevant for those trying to develop "higher" energies. Their grounding effect enables those with their "head in the clouds" to still possible to act effectively on this plane and not be too "spaced out". Useful for healers and practitioners of all energy treatments.

In Sanskrit, the number 8 is o-cata-srah "twice four", which became okta in Greek and octo in Latin. So understanding this more complex and refined "4", is the key to understanding the number 8 and the grounding crystal. Four is the number of the "Mother substance", matter, which sacred geometers know becomes manifest "at 4", the number of stability and gross manifestation.

"Now this, monks, is the noble truth of the way that leads to the cessation of sorrow: this is the noble Eightfold way; namely, right views, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration." Buddha.

Growth Interference Crystals

Until fairly recently, this formation was confined to crystals that were marked with the jagged indentations of now dissolved calcite. However, growth interference now includes other types of growth interference, perhaps resulting from other quartz crystals or matrix. In either case, a crystal has been subjected to a drastic change of shape but still develops to completion. This is the key signature of these crystals and makes them useful in overcoming obstacles, both as a frequency and as a meditation.

Calcite growth interference has the added frequencies of the energy amplifier calcite through long association. Occasionally a little calcite is left, but more commonly it has entirely dissolved, being a much softer mineral.

"In growth interference quartz the energies of calcite are combined with quartz to bring a powerful healing and progressing energy to one's life. Although the calcite does not normally remain with the crystal, the energy seems to be inculcated and remains to assist in energy work. Used to bring access to the astral, ethereal and higher planes, in order that one may remove barriers and may understand the patience of step-wise progression. It can assist in proceeding through traumas and changes with ease - promoting understanding."

Harlequin Quartz

An extremely beautiful formation, frequently and most exotically found in the Brandberg quartz of Namibia as pictured. Lepidocrocite and hematite inclusions form amazing interiors. Occasionally they form in recognisable patterns indicating the internal energetic structures of their host crystal. They combine the properties of quartz with these two minerals, which being red, stimulates physical energy and circulation. They are said to intensify devotional practices.

"Harlequin Quartz quartz containing red dots or strings of lepidocrocite. It provides a beautiful "dancing" energy, which when activated, stimulates the energy flow on all levels. It can be used to stimulate the base chakra and to provide for a direct pathway between the base chakra, and the heart chakra; it can hence be used to direct and to intensify natural proclivities. It activates all of the qualities of the base chakra, the heart chakra, and the crown chakra, and provides physical energy and vitality to the physical body. It further stimulates the healing qualities of the heart and the associated attributes of loving consciousness. It can also be used to balance the polarity of one's body with the higher bodies and to open and balance the meridians of the physical body, stimulating alignment of the physical and ethereal nervous systems.”

Herkimer Diamond

Characterised as stout, extremely bright (hence "diamond”) DT’s, named after their location in Herkimer County, USA. However, it has become usual to refer to any exceptionally bright stout DT as a Herkimer, despite its original location. Himalayan Herkimer is an example of this. An exception to this general rule is the Arkimer, similarly formed and bright quartz mined in Arkansas.

"It is quite important to use a Herkimer diamond prior to "laying-on-of-stones”, or in other healing situations. The alleviation of tension and the calming of the outer bodies and the physical body help to align the energy structure of the user. Herkimer diamonds assist one in clearing the body-mind system of unconscious fears and repressions, allowing for total relaxation and expansion of the life energy.

The Herkimer diamond is known as an "attunement stone”. It can be used to attune oneself with another person, environment or activity. In addition, the Herkimer diamond stimulates clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities and can assist one in prescience and telepathic communication.”

"The alleviation of tension, and the calming of the outer bodies and the physical body, which is produced by the Herkimer diamond, helps to align the energy structure of the user. It is also quite helpful in releasing the tensions and rigidities of body tissues, assisting in the recovery of memory by these areas, in order to facilitate healing.”

Himalayan Quartz

All quartz has its own mood, so it is not surprising to find that mined in some of the highest and most iconic mountains on earth has a uniquely powerful and clean energy. Himalayan quartz is, like the mountains themselves, uniquely suited to all forms of meditation and yoga practice.

"The quartz crystal is the connection between the physical dimension and the dimensions of the mind. It can be used to communicate with minerals, plants, animals, and intelligent forces outside the physical dimension. In early times, when all things were thought to be parts of a greater living consciousness, the quartz crystal was believed to synchronize the individual and total consciousness with that of the heavens and advanced life-forms."

We go to India every year to source these directly in the foothills of the Himalayas. They are ethically hand mined high on the Indian side of the Himalayas.

Included Quartz

Recognized by the presence of other minerals within the quartz crystal. Most commonly these are chlorite, rutile, sagenite, black tourmaline, pyrite, hematite, graphite, carbon and what are termed "undefined black inclusions". However, there are almost limitless less common inclusions including gold, silver, ajoite, stibnite, hedenbergite, actinolite, indicolite, wulfenite, spessartine garnet, papagoite, dolomite, fuchsite etc. Whatever minerals are contained in quartz are amplified and structured, producing a more accessible and potent healing frequency than when they appear alone.

Quartz combines harmoniously with any mineral and provides considerable advantages over single minerals. The frequency of any inclusions, even tiny amounts, are naturally amplified by the quartz making them significantly more potent. The quartz also allows otherwise "un-programmable" minerals to be programmed along with the quartz. Quartz is able to accept impressions in a way that other crystals and minerals cannot. These impressions can be mental or introduced physically, like placing an essential oil on a crystal to imbue it with its unique frequency.

"When one is attracted to and uses included quartz, the quartz inclusion will work with the person to provide further nourishment and qualities required. Each inclusion in quartz provides the extra properties of that included mineral to work "hand-in-hand" with the properties of the quartz."

Below are a few of the most beneficial inclusions to be found in quartz.

Included Quartz - Amethyst Inclusions

Manganese in clear quartz produces the beautiful shades of pinkish lavender to deep purple. Amethyst often appears in quartz as phantoms. The name comes from a Greek word which translates literally as "not drunken". Amethyst is said to help one to both avoid and recover from addiction to intoxicants. Amethyst helps one identify more with the higher spiritual self than the temporary material body and resonates with the crown chakra. It balances the intellectual, mental, emotional and physical bodies which encourage insight, stability, peace and strength respectively. An overwhelming positive stone, helping to transform the imbalances that modern life encourages.

"Amethyst is a "stone of meditation”, being excellent in conducting the energy of calm and peacefulness to help one both enter and maintain the states. It opens and activates the crown chakra.”

"Amethyst is a stone of spirituality and contentment. It facilitates the transmutation of the lower energies into the higher frequencies. It is representative of the principle of complete metamorphosis. It clears the aura and stabilizes and transmutes any dysfunctional energy located within one's body. Amethyst also bestows stability, strength, invigoration and peace."

Included Quartz - Black Tourmaline Inclusions

A very purifying and protective stone on all levels. An excellent aura cleanser as it both repels and transforms negative energies. It is so good at this that it is said to repel radiation and is reputed to help if placed in front of computer monitors and other electrical devices. As is common with black stones, it is an extremely effective base chakra cleanser and grounding stone.

"As a protective stone against "spells" which are cast by the negative side of another, black tourmaline is a special stone to Native American Indians; black tourmaline in quartz not only dispels the "spell" but energizes the "victim" and actually increases well-being. African shaman have used the tourmaline to promote the awakening from the "dream of illusion" and to promote the experience of the self as part of the universal spirit. It acts to stimulate the reflex points associated with the lower back. It can be used in the treatment of arthritis, dyslexia, heart disease, anxiety, and disorientation. It can also provide for both the stimulation and the balancing of the adrenal glands."

Included Quartz - Carbon Inclusions

Undefined blackish inclusions, as opposed to generally lighter greyish shale inclusions, are carbon. Where these inclusions form a phantom, black phantom properties also apply.

These are excellent grounding and base chakra stones.

"This mineral can help purify one's body and one's surroundings. It can be worn, carried, used as an elixir, or stationed in one's environment. It provides for grounding and centring during meditation, such that one may eliminate distractions.”

Included Quartz - Chlorite Inclusions

One of the most powerful healing minerals available which combine wonderfully and frequently with quartz. Chlorite provides an easily accessible "nature" energy, which cleanses the aura, chakras and meridians of obstruction. It helps dissipate anger and frustration.

"Chlorite is one of the most favourable healing stones. Worn, carried, placed within one's environment or used as an elixir, the properties of chlorite are overwhelmingly positive. It is a purifier and is quite useful for cleansing the aura, the chakras and the energy meridians. It attacks anger, hostility, exasperation and dissipates the dissenting energy."

"Chlorite has been used with amethyst to remove unwanted energy implants; the presence of chlorite and amethyst within one's energy field has also successfully protected against both energy implants and psychic attack."

Included Quartz - Fluorite Inclusions

Like some other inclusions, this can appear as fully formed fluorite crystals. When this happens, they also share the properties of manifestation crystals, although this term generally refers to tiny quartz crystals in a larger host quartz.

"Fluorite produces an energy which is predisposed to discourage chaotic, disruptive, and disorganized growth. It emits an energy which can be used to stabilize and to produce order within the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual systems. It can be used to bring order to chaos.”

Further properties of fluorite included quartz depend on the fluorite colour, as does the chakra it resonates with; light blue - throat, dark blue - third eye, green - heart, purple - crown and clear fluorite works with all, but with a special affinity for the crown.

"Blue Fluorite is an excellent energy for stimulating ones clear, concise communicative skills, both within the physical reality and between the plane and other worlds.”

"Green fluorite can bring a cleansing, tidying, mint-like freshness of springtime to the chakras and to eliminate negativity”.

"Purple fluorite is a third-eye stone bringing rationality to the intuitive qualities and assisting one in precise communication.”

"Colourless fluorite has been used to stimulate the crown chakra and to clear and energize the aura. It has been used to align the chakras, to open the pathways between universal energy and the physical body and to facilitate transmittal of energy from other minerals during healing.”

Included Quartz - Goethite Inclusions

Often appears as beautiful golden sprays.

"Goethite helps one to attune to the ethereal realms, and enhances communication with "the angels". It also facilitates clairaudience, enhances communication on the physical plane and strengthens communication with other worlds and beings in those worlds. It can enable one to predict future events and can be used to enhance the abilities of a divining rod. It can be used to alleviate distractions and to provide for intensified concentration."

Included Quartz - Golden Inclusions

Appearing as flakes in Welsh quartz, this is the purest Gold on Earth and is mined in only tiny quantities, it took us nearly 20 years to find just 33. Do a search for gold and quartz, and you may find gold on milky quartz masses (rough "snow" quartz), but not flakes or tiny nuggets in fully formed clear quartz crystals. As golden metallic inclusions in quartz are almost always pyrite (fools gold), we tested ours at the Birmingham Assay office to confirm they were indeed gold. They also contained traces of silver and copper.

Welsh gold has been especially prized as a jewellery metal for centuries and dates back to the days of the Celtic kingdoms when nobles wore gold torques as a badge of rank and power. The Royal family, in an echo of that ancient tradition, wear wedding rings made only of Welsh gold.

Gold has been called the master healer, symbolizing purity of heart, the perfection of alchemical transformation. Purifying at all levels, the beneficial effects of gold are considerable. Welsh gold unified with quartz by nature is extremely powerful and exceedingly rare. It is no exaggeration to call it the rarest quartz on earth.

"If one is fortunate enough to become an Earth-keeper for a quartz crystal containing gold, the uses are extensive. The properties of gold and the properties of quartz crystal are combined and produce "dynamite" results."

"Gold symbolizes the purity of the spiritual aspect of "All That Is”. It is symbolic of spirituality and development in the realm of complete understanding. It emits an energy to prompt one to allow beauty to come forth from the inner being. It helps one to improve one's character via learning, lessening the trauma associated with the gain of knowledge. It assists one to activate, mobilize and actualize the intrinsic potential of the self.

The energy of gold can be used to balance the energy fields, to combat feelings of depression and inferiority, to allow one to both understand and to dispense with self-reproach, and to calm anger. It has been said to attract honours, wealth, happiness, to provide composure, stabilize the emotional system, to alleviate tension and stress, and to amplify positive feelings. Gold has been called "the master healer”. It is an excellent mineral for purification of the physical body. It can clear negativity from the chakras and energy fields. Gold, when in proximity to another mineral, provides a stabilizing influence to the energy of that mineral.”

Included Quartz - Indicolite (Blue Tourmaline) Inclusions

One of the best throat chakra stones available. If the indicolite fibres are fine enough, the crystal has an almost uniform blue colour.

Where these inclusions form a phantom, blue phantom properties also apply.

"Blue tourmaline [indicolite] can be used to activate the throat chakra and the third eye, strengthening the skills associated with communication and psychic awareness. It assists one in relating to others in a loving manner. Facilitates access to higher levels of intuition. It acts as a vehicle for visions and for contact with the higher realms".

Included Quartz - Pyrite Inclusions

Usually formed in tiny brass yellow cubes within the quartz. A beautiful, quite rare and magical looking inclusion. It creates protective energy within the aura which is able to prevent/reduce the intrusion of all forms of negative vibration. A uniquely protective stone.

"Pyrite helps to keep away all forms of negative vibrations and can work to allay physical danger".

"Pyrite possesses a defending quality and is an excellent preventative which will shield one from many forms of negative energy. Simply having a piece of pyrite on one's person brings in the protective, shielding aspect of this stone which works on the physical, etheric, and emotional level, due to an energy field it creates within the aura. It is a unique protector and an excellent stone to keep in one's possession."

Included Quartz - Snowball Inclusions

Recognised as having whitish, relatively spherical inclusions.

"Snowball quartz combines the properties of clear quartz with the properties of okenite; although the chemical composition of okenite and the "snowballs” are not the same, the properties are exhibited.”

"Okenite provides a feeling of "going home". It assists one in accepting the conscious manifestation of ones higher-self, bringing an end to inhibiting denials, while initiating a beginning to the actualization and the manifestation of all aspects of self-forgiveness; hence, it initiates "painless" completion of and total healing via one's karmic cycle. It acts to purify the chakras and the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual bodies."

Isis Crystals

Fairly symmetrical, 5 sided Isis faces are not that common. They have special significance in relation to crystals working with people, indicated by the "human" number 5 and are often used as "teacher" crystals. The number 5 also indicates the feminine principle and regeneration in terms of both its mathematical and geometric properties. These crystals enhance the feminine principle, helping restore the balance of energies.

Phi, the Divine ratio, is the ratio of the segments in a 5-pointed star (pentagram) and was considered sacred to Plato and Pythagoras mystery schools. Each larger (or smaller) section is related by the phi ratio. This is an indication of the regeneration association. So the number 5 is also closely related to the golden proportion, as are all quartz crystals, their points angled the same as the perfectly proportioned Great Pyramids, which also conform to Phi.

Key Crystals

Key crystals are recognized by an indentation on the side or face of a crystal, usually, six-sided as it's a specific type of growth interference caused by another quartz crystal. They are used to gain access to information from which you are normally excluded. Healing concepts and elusive aspects of ourselves can be unlocked. Useful for healers and intuitive diagnostics.

"Used to unlock the "doors" to healing concepts and those aspects of the self which tend to be elusive. It also assists one in accessing that which is hidden in any situation".

Laser Quartz

Recognised as a relatively long and slender crystal. They are an excellent crystal for developing focus, especially in terms of meditation and intuition. Unsurprisingly, they make excellent wands and being quartz naturally resonate with the intention of the user.

"The use of laser wands during meditation facilitates the establishment of a finer communication with other worlds, the crystalline world, and the inner world of the self.

Laser wands often have unique etching and or/markings upon them. They were once used in the healing temples of Lemuria, the markings indicating the records of experiences "they have seen”. It can be used to clear an area of negativity, to create protective barriers and to beam healing energy to oneself or another.”

Lemurian Quartz

These extraordinary crystals are often referred to as Lemurian seed crystals because it is said that the ancient Lemurians "seeded” them with knowledge to be retrieved by those with the ability to do so. Lemuria existed in the distant past when humans expressed a highly elevated consciousness, analogous to the golden age, Satya Yuga, of Vedic chronology.

Working with these is said to give an awareness of the consciousness that pervaded Lemurian. They certainly have a distinct, bright and attractive energy.

Lemurian quartz has distinct horizontal striations (sometimes called bar codes), that often alternate; 3 smooth, 3 striated. They also often taper towards the point and sometimes form with a pink or golden shade. Found in a single location, the Sierra Do Cabral Mountain in Minas Gerais, Brazil, the legend says that they form a grid throughout the earth.

Used in all types of healing, meditation, intuitive and energy work with excellent results.

Lithium Quartz

Of the numerous stones used for crystal healing, many of the most effective and popular contain lithium, a light alkali metal. The most powerful lithium crystals available are lithium in quartz, as the quartz further amplifies its unique qualities.

Interestingly, lithium is produced naturally by the brain when we appreciate a beautiful sunset!

It is used pharmacologically as a class of mood stabilizing drugs, a neurological effect of the lithium ion Li+, used extensively to treat bipolar conditions. It is also prescribed as a preventive treatment for migraine and cluster headaches. Lithium hydroxide is the preferred air purifier in confined spaces like submarines and spacecraft. Lithium superoxide not only absorbs carbon dioxide but also releases oxygen. It is also an excellent conductor of electricity, has the highest specific heat of any solid element, therefore used in heat transfer applications, and is the lightest of all known metals. Number 3 in the periodic table, this is no ordinary substance and makes up only 0.0007% of the earth's crust.

Lithium in quartz is perhaps the most powerful balancing, anti-depressant and mood stabilizing stones available.

Manifestation Crystals

These are of two types of the prized, beautiful and mysterious Manifestation formation. One is where a crystal that previously bridged into a larger one, has become enclosed. The other where a DT literally grew within a larger crystal. The latter is seriously rare and the choice of the purist. Both are extremely beautiful with unique energies.

From a geometric point of view, they represent a "world within a world". They are used by mystics to help manifest desires on the physical plane.

"The Manifestation crystal is recognized by a small crystal totally enclosed within a larger crystal, and they are very rare. The use of the manifestation crystal requires the inner knowledge that one is a clear and perfect channel, that a pure white light provides the guiding way, and that the purity of the Divine is within the inner self. They can also be used to facilitate artistic creativity, creative thinking, agricultural pursuits, and to increase or decrease any aspect of one's life."

Mongolian Quartz

This is obviously a location not a type, but as a relatively new find with a very distinctive mood, it warrants inclusion in any quartz properties list.

From around 2012 some extraordinary crystals have emerged from the remote regions of Inner Mongolia by small scale mines and individual miners. Some of the most unusual, energetic and genuinely mystical crystals ever to surface. From complex Sceptres to an essentially new quartz type, the blue-green dual-core, Mongolian quartz will find its place alongside the quartz aristocracy of Brandberg, Tibet and the Himalayas to become a must for those interested in the more esoteric aspects of crystals and healing.

The dual-core Mongolian has a uniquely alternating clear and purple core (seen top-right of the picture). The colour change is not the result of phantoms, but a hexagonal core that changes colour one or more times, every few centimetres. The exterior is unique, a blue-green refined elestiation with a tendency to form sceptres. It is translucent, glassy, "moist" and possesses an otherworldly geometric perfection and a satin sheen. The colour is a result of fine Hedenbergite inclusions.

"Hedenbergite when occurring with quartz and amethyst brings together the qualities of these minerals to produce a dynamic stone for meditation, healing and for telepathic endeavours.”

Dual-core Mongolians contain the properties of hedenbergite, green quartz, blue quartz, amethyst, sceptres, elestials, trigonics and record keepers.

Many crystals, Guerrero’s from Mexico for example, have been named warrior crystals, but none come close the mood possessed by Mongolian quartz. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind when we think of Mongolia, are the marauding hoards of Genghis Khan, however, this all too obvious connotation is not the reason many have appreciated this new and distinctly energetic quartz.

The tendency to form Sceptres, both as the main feature, on the sides (when formed like candle quartz) and sometimes around the base combine with other masculine features to produce a crystal with the spirit of a spiritual warrior.

Negative Manifestation Quartz

A manifestation crystal is a crystal within a crystal. A negative manifestation crystal doesn’t refer to energetic properties, but the "negative” refers to a geological term best understood in terms of photography. This means that the internal "crystal” is actually hollow. These are often indistinguishable from "ordinary” manifestation crystals, apart from the occasional presence of a characteristic indentation on one side and/or a moving bubble.

Little is known or written about them, but they are one of the most magical (and rare) of all quartz formations. They point to an inner world and are prized by shaman and mystics.

Phantom Crystals

The "phantom" is caused by a pause in the crystals growth, leaving a partial or complete "phantom" within the crystal after it continued to grow. This pause in growth can last for thousands of years. The phantom usually appears as a fine white veil, but sometimes as a coloured mineral. The butterfly principle. Growth, apparent inactivity and rebirth. Out of limitation appears something of beauty. These amazing stones help us to see before, after, and the struggles in-between, as part of an evolutionary process. They help to instil a sense of "magic" many of us lost along the way. A valuable stone for the spiritual seeker, clearly showing how the inner is the foundation of the outer, subtle the foundation of the gross, spiritual the foundation of the material.

Phantom Crystals - Amethyst Phantoms

"These crystals stimulate the recall of ones state just prior to birth; This information can be accessed for each of the beginnings of the life cycle. One can hence, gain information on the multitude of experience/lessons."

Phantom Crystals - Chlorite Phantoms

These are gorgeous phantoms, sometimes resembling vast green landscapes in miniature!

"These crystals [green phantoms] have been used to provide access to, and transfer of, information from the purity of the angelic realms. It assists in clairaudient endeavours, affording lucid, distinct, and articulate verbalization of the messages received...They combine the energy of quartz crystals with one of the most healing minerals...Chlorite is one of the most favourable healing stones. Worn, carried, placed within one's environment or used as an elixir, the properties of chlorite are overwhelmingly positive."

Phantom Crystals - Red Phantoms

"Red phantom quartz crystals additionally contain the properties of limonite, kaolinite and hematite. These crystals are rare. The red phantom is also used to stimulate the first 3 chakras, to combine the energies to produce highly recognizable vitality directed toward creativity, intellectual advancement and intuitive endeavours."

Phantom Crystals - White Phantoms

These phantoms often appear as gorgeous, translucent veils - a kind of holographic pyramid. As well as the general properties of the phantom, these posses an ability to instil a sense of wonder in the world around us. Helping us see old situations with new eyes. A wonderful crystal for the mystic and "seer".

Pinnacle Quartz

In pinnacle quartz, the very tip of the crystal is slightly elongated.

It helps to open and strengthen the crown chakra and enhances all forms of intuition and perception.

"Pinnacle quartz opens and activates the crown chakra, and assists one to channel desire toward the "proper” goals, assisting one to adjust and to be comfortable in all situations. It further provides for a smooth transition from the beta state to the alpha level, where extra-sensory perception is stimulated.”

Rainbow Quartz

Rainbow crystals are usually recognized by prismatic fractures producing rainbows of colour within the crystal. Another type is where the contact side of two crystals growing side by side bit not merged as twins form a rainbow.

To see the positive in suffering is easily discussed, but usually achieved with difficulty and hindsight. As always this principle is displayed perfectly by nature, here in the rainbow quartz crystal. Some stress or violence caused fractures within what may have been a "perfect" stone. When the light contacts the fractures, instead of seeing imperfection, we see the mystery of white light separated into the seven colours of the rainbow.

"Rainbow crystals produce the full spectrum of colour, white light of healing and perfection being dispersed into the individual rays of the rainbow; this dispersion facilitates the use of the rainbow crystal on any and all chakras... Crystals containing these internal fractures have certain prismatic effects which produce powerful rainbows within the crystal, giving additional energy which is lacking in a "crystal clear" specimen."

The new energies made available by these colours can be used in healing any or all of the chakras.

Record Keepers

Recognised by a slightly raised triangle or triangles on the side or face of the quartz crystal. Sometimes the triangles are fairly deep and "3D", though often they are almost flat to the crystal face. These rare formations are said to possess information from bygone cultures, specifically Atlantis.

"Crystals which have small pyramid-shaped marking on one or more facets which designates them as record-keepers. A crystal within which wisdom is stored. It is thought that when one properly attunes with this crystal, the ancient knowledge and profound secrets of the universe can be psychically retrieved. They have been consciously and purposefully programmed by the beings who created the energies which have culminated in the actualization of life on this plane, and by their direct descendants [e.g., the Atlanteans and Lemurians]."

Reverse Sceptre Quartz

These are recognised by stepping (as opposed to tapered quartz) that creates a narrowing towards the tip.

They are an uncommon and energetic metaphysical tool suited to focused meditation, energy work and developing the crown chakra.

"Reverse Quartz Sceptres activate the same properties [as Sceptres] and further, serve to return the healing energy to the user. It can also be used to induce a state of mind which is free of impressions. It allows one to see the duality of one's nature, rectifying the negative and building the positive. It can produce deep silence interspersed with visions of the luminous terrain of the crown chakra."

Rutilated Quartz

"Rutilated quartz intensifies the power of the quartz crystal. It combines the qualities of quartz with those of rutile and sagenite."

"Rutile, when found within another crystalline form, brings strength with love, ease in transition, growth in all avenues of one's development, calm, reason, and order. Rutile is used for healing and balancing the aura via repelling negative energy. It assists one in getting to the root of a problem. It is a stone for stabilizing relationships, marriages, mental processes, and emotional and physical imbalances."

"Sagenite is a "stone of wisdom". It helps one to be judicious in one's experiences and to gain insight into the inner being without being required to repeat onerous situations. It provides acute mental discernment and enhancement of the practical side of one's nature. It encourages deliberate action via the exquisite art of kindness. Removes "muddy" areas from the aura."

Sceptre Quartz

Recognised by stepping out to a wider head. Those with a widening is on all 6 sides are considered the best, but even if this doesn’t occur on all sides, it is still considered a sceptre.

Sceptres are essentially masculine in energy and are best suited to positive, assertive projections, as opposed to the natural receptivity of crystals that resonate more with the feminine principle. An example of where this might be useful would be for a person or situation where assertion and more personal power were appropriate.

"Sceptres were used in Atlantis and Lemuria in healing ceremonies and were a symbol of the power of the realm; those who carried or wore a Sceptre Crystal were in the position of high priest/priestess. The sceptre brings the spirituality of the higher planes into the healing ceremonies and focuses the energy deep with the heart of the matter. It is an excellent configuration for transmission of directional energy.”


Recognized by crystalline structures appearing where a crystal was previously broken.

Having learned to heal itself, these crystals can reveal this knowledge to someone in the process of healing themselves or others. Crystals in general and self-healed quartz, in particular, are insistent on trying to teach us that nothing is ever too late, or too damaged to reach the state of inherent perfection. Very useful and potent crystals.

"The self-healed crystal, having learned to heal itself, can lend this knowledge to the user and can share the experience of self-healing. One may use the crystal for the healing of the self or in "crystal healing" of another person".

"This crystal takes situations, which appear to be devastating, and helps them to fulfil themselves - utilizing the law of the perfect order of the universe and the creativity of natural completion".

Master Self-Healed

A fascinating and extremely rare formation. At some point, this crystal was essentially in two pieces but stayed in close enough proximity to re-join.

A slight (occasionally pronounced) change of angle at the fracture point, cloud band and layering over the old wound all indicate the master self-healed formation, but identification may be difficult for those not familiar with the formation.

Sometimes a crystal is fractured vertically, a split into left and right. This is also master self-healed - vertical master self-healed - and is no less wonderful as the more recognised type. Often the two surface areas that need to heal are far larger making it even more miraculous.

"Another type of self-healed crystal is one which has been broken (exhibiting the break in the horizontal plane, or close to the horizontal strata), with the break being healed and the crystal structure being again complete. This crystal is the master crystal in the art of self-healing".

Skeletal Quartz (Fenster)

Skeletal is commonly used as a synonym for elestial, but while sharing some of its defining and metaphysical properties; it is a distinct quartz formation. Most elestials are not skeletal.

Skeletal quartz is characterized by geometric depressions (and therefore raised patterning), which produce pronounced external etching and internal cavities. These internal spaces combine to give an overall skeletal appearance. The edges grew more quickly than the faces, so the edges stand out like the frames of a window. Crystals that grow very quickly often develop skeletal growth forms.

Skeletal quartz allows for deeper vision, clairvoyance and access to the inner working of things. It is an excellent stone for the shaman and mystic, who have utilized its properties for journeying. It possesses the properties of the elestial and gateway formations.

Smokey Quartz

The presence of sodium in clear quartz creates smokey quartz. While clear quartz (especially that with rainbows) is used on all chakras, the smokey variety, as with all dark/blackish stones is generally associated with the base chakra. It is therefore useful in removing blockages to physical energy in relation to fear and it's foundations. This can often be earlier negative experiences. If these are of a sexual nature, treatment of the base chakra is doubly indicated. However, the varied combinations that smokey's are available in, from elestials to enhydros, must also be considered in determining its effects.

This crystal is useful in helping dissolve negative energy produced by the mind. Balancing and cleansing of the meridians and subtle bodies are enhanced. The energy of smokey quartz is receptive and it is a mood elevator. It is said to overcome depression and other negative emotions. It is said to dissolve energy fields which have been generated from negative thought forms, anger and resentment. It is prolonged, intense and gentle in its action on the higher levels such as meditation, simply holding the stone will suffice. Provides for balancing the yin-yang energy. As sodium is said to produce smokey quartz, it is said to facilitate the regulation of liquids within the body and can produce a state of equilibrium within the body with respect to minerals.

When there is a distinct delineation between clear and smokey, "the combination of smokey/clear quartz with a very definite separation", "has produced a melding of the properties of smokey and clear quartz. It has also been used to assist one in matters of discrimination and in the delineation of those actions required in one's life to facilitate the furtherance of objectives in any situation. The smokey acts to ground the energies of the clear quartz, promoting ease of energy application. This combination has an enhanced energy."

Super 7

Also known as Sacred 7 or Melody's stone, this wonderful crystal is a natural combination of clear quartz, smokey quartz, cacoxenite, rutile, goethite, lepidocrocite and amethyst.

Super 7 possesses the properties of its constituent minerals plus unique properties resulting from their synergy. It enhances healing, personal development, intuition and all types of energy work. An extremely potent and sought after crystal.

All our Super 7 were mined in the 1970s in Fundão, Espirito de Santos, Brazil. These are not later, secondary discoveries, but rare originals. This mine was flooded before 1980 and all production stopped.

"A combination of amethyst, cacoxenite, lepidocrocite, clear quartz, goethite, rutile and smokey quartz. Even though each piece may not show each mineral all the pieces carry the energy of all seven minerals.

It produces electromagnetic waves providing the self-luminous quality and assists one in seeing auras and in maintaining the connection between the physical and ethereal planes. Analogous to Sirius, the "brightest" star in the heavens, it can assist one in all endeavours, promoting conscious awareness of that which has remained hidden for aeons.

The Super Seven never needs cleaning or energizing... Has been used to promote telekinetic pursuits, telepathy, clairaudience, awareness-channelling, universal creativity, to further healing on all levels."


Recognized as a flat crystal, usually with etching or notches (major striations) on one side. If the width is not at least twice the depth (thickness), it isn't a tabby.

They are "high frequency" crystals, and those who can resonate with those frequencies psychically, find a plane of information and rich thought forms. This is the ultimate crystal for communication and information retrieval. Extremely useful in developing psychic faculties.

Tangerine Quartz

Tangerine quartz has a natural orange colour permeating the entire crystal.

This colour resonates with, and therefore clears, balances and heals, the second (sacral) chakra. This chakra, if healthy, helps one to maintain a healthy yin-yang balance, resolve control issues and express our natural creativity. It also, in relation with the base chakra, governs sex drive. On a physical level, the lower abdomen, lower back and sexual organs come under the area of influence of this energy centre. Wearing or consciously working with this crystal will have a beneficial effect.

Tibetan Quartz

Real Tibetan crystals are relatively rare. They are prized for their uniquely mystical vibration. They enhance meditation and yoga practices as well as initiating and strengthening all the subtle faculties.

"Tibetan quartz crystals have been used to promote contact with the ancient cultures of the East, bringing knowledge concerning healing and spirituality to the user. In addition, healing and meditation have both been enhanced. Wearing the Tibetan crystal has induced total centring of the self and has when accessed, produced energy conducive to channelling. The crystal tends to contain a very powerful "OM" vibration, prompting the inventive powers. The body can attune to this resonance and radiate the energy and verity of the higher-self.

They have also been used to facilitate fasting and abstinence from that which one chooses. Kirlian photography has shown that, when cleansed, these crystals emanate the total spectrum of colour, and can hence be applied to all energy meridians for stimulation and cleansing - and can be used in the healing of all centres."

Titanium Aura

Titanium molecules are bonded to the quartz by the natural electro-static charge of the crystal. Titanium is one of the strongest and most beautiful of all metals. The amazing colours are permanent and will neither rub off nor fade. Because the colours are produced by blending natural substances with a natural affinity, and not by a dye, the metaphysical properties are enhanced rather than destroyed. An excellent stone for creativity, both removing blockages to creativity and enhancing creative powers. An intensely visual stone, promoting clairvoyance and all forms of "seeing". They are used in meditation and yogic practice, where it appears to stimulate the upward movement of the kundalini. Carrying the mineral is said to assist in "reading" people." Stimulates the third-eye intensely.

Transmitter Crystals

Recognized by two larger and relatively symmetrical seven-sided faces on either side of a small triangle.

In this stone the three, which is the channel between the duality of two and the manifestation of four, is situated between the intuition and wisdom properties of seven, indicating knowledge and inspiration in relation to controlling the senses, like in meditation. This is facilitated through association with more refined, sattvika (higher) energies from the archetypal, geometric perfection of Plato's "plane of ideas". This stone is able to provide a direct connection with the higher self.

"The total combination [of 7-3-7 sided faces] blends the higher self with the individual physical and mental consciousness, assisting one in the application of universal knowledge and wisdom in all aspects of one's life.” Quote from "Love is in the Earth", used with kind permission.

Trigonic Record Keeper

Instead of the raised triangles of the Record Keeper, trigonics have downward facing triangular indentations. They possess the properties of the Record Keeper, etched and key crystals, as well as having their own distinctive mood, making them especially suited to meditation and the development of intuition.


Recognised as two relatively parallel crystals growing together and partially merged. They can for as clearly distinct crystals or can be merged to such an extent that they could be mistaken for a single crystal.

They represent unity in diversity. The pinnacle of Vedic theism describes this in Sanskrit as acintya-bhedābheda-tattva, which means the inconceivably, acintya, being both simultaneously one and different. These crystals give a visual clue to this spiritual abstraction.

Twins engender clear communication, harmony and balance in individuals and groups.

"Twins facilitate the building of relationships on all levels, acting to encourage encounters with the soul-mate(s) present during this lifetime."

Window Crystals

Recognized by a diamond-shaped window being formed where the sides and faces of the crystal meet.

As its name suggests, these crystals are primarily used for "seeing". Clairvoyance, "scrying" and many forms of divination can be enhanced by the use of these crystals. However, their specific use is for introspection and personal development, at which they are unparalleled.

The diamond, as two triangles joined at their bases, has traditionally represented two aspects of ourselves. One ascending into spirit, the other descending into matter. Joined they form a four-sided manifest form - this physical reality. Therefore these crystals are useful in analysing the relationship between these three factors if used in a meditative state. The three factors being - our spiritual selves, our material conditioning and the world in which we find ourselves.

"Window crystals are powerful teachers. They are like open windows through which one can see beyond illusory identities and into the essence of the self."